Goodcover’s Ultimate Guide to Renters Insurance in Pennsylvania

Goodcover’s Ultimate Guide to  Renters Insurance in Pennsylvania

If you’re among the nearly two million people who rent their homes in Pennsylvania, this guide is for you. Finding the ideal home is more than choosing the right location and amenities – it’s also about making sure your personal belongings are protected. 

In a state where unexpected disasters like Hurricane Ida strike and create havoc, renters insurance in Pennsylvania becomes not just a precaution but a necessity. 

But insurance can slide down the priority list between figuring out security deposits, deciphering leases, and negotiating with landlords. We get it; moving stresses everyone out.

That’s where this guide comes in. Today, you can cross insurance off your to-do list painlessly. We'll break down everything Pennsylvania renters need to know in this guide — from average costs to key coverages, choosing the right policy, and renter rights. No advanced finance degree required.

Keep reading to find out how.

  • Is Renters Insurance Required in PA?
  • How Much Is Renters Insurance in PA?
  • What Does Renters Insurance Cover in PA?
  • What Does Renters Insurance Not Cover in PA?
  • Top Pennsylvania Renters Resources for Tenants
  • Final Thoughts: Your Ultimate Guide to Renters Insurance in Pennsylvania

Is Renters Insurance Required in PA?

No laws currently mandate that you must have renters insurance in Pennsylvania. But standard leases may include a requirement for liability coverage, usually a $100,000 minimum. While that sounds like a big number, liability coverage costs just a few bucks a month. 

Liability coverage is the aspect of renters insurance your landlord cares most about. Instead of landlords pursuing compensation from you after someone gets hurt slipping on a wet floor, renters insurance can pay medical payments and legal expenses within policy limits. It makes life easier for everyone!

But liability insurance is just one part of renters insurance. Your policy will also cover your personal property (your stuff) and temporary housing (aka “loss of use”). 

Say your home suffered a break-in, and thieves stole some of your belongings. Renters insurance from the best renters insurance companies, like Goodcover, could replace your items at their replacement cost value (RCV). That’s the current price it would cost to buy brand-new stuff. Lower-quality insurance providers often only offer actual cash value (ACV), which is an often deeply depreciated value for your property.

With 18% of Pennsylvania residents personally experiencing property crime in 2023, it’s better to be safe than sorry. 

So, how much does renters insurance in Pennsylvania cost?

How Much Is Renters Insurance in PA?

Let’s face it: we’re not all rolling in dough, and what we pay for renters insurance counts. Good news, though: Renters insurance in PA is generally cheaper than renters pay in other states, so you’re already ahead of the curve. 

The average cost of renters insurance statewide is $124 annually ($10/mo), less than the national average of $148 ($12/mo).

Of course, prices differ based on your city. For example, in Philadelphia, the overall average renters insurance price is $191 annually ($16/mo), while Pittsburgh is $142 per year ($12/mo). 

With Goodcover, our rates are competitive for great coverage. For example, in Philadelphia, our rates start at around $106 annually, thanks to our business model that puts renters first. No big-ticket ads or celebrity endorsements drive up your prices with us.

The cost of renters insurance in Pennsylvania for Goodcover.

Keep in mind the final total insurance cost will depend on your deductible choice, specific location, and your selected renters insurance coverage amounts. 

For instance, if you’ve got an expensive engagement ring that you’d like to get extended coverage on, your premium may be slightly higher than someone purchasing the basic plan.

The most accurate way to determine pricing is to request an individualized renters quote from Goodcover. You can get a quote faster than you can listen to your favorite song, and you can bind your policy from the comfiest spot on your couch – no agents, no paperwork, no fuss.

What Does Renters Insurance Cover in PA?

At its core, renters insurance in the Keystone State contains three parts: property damage coverage, liability protection, and temporary housing assistance. With Goodcover, you can take advantage of truly flexible coverage by adjusting your personal property and liability limits to fit your needs. You don’t have to get insurance for a high personal property value just to get the liability insurance you need.

Property Damage Coverage

Personal property coverage pays repair or replacement costs if covered events cause the loss of your personal items. For example, fires or plumbing leaks leading to water or smoke damage affecting your sofa, clothing, or other essentials that then require replacement or repairs.

Plus, break-ins, riots, and vandalism are also covered losses under property damage.

Goodcover’s covered property categories. 

You might want SUPERGOOD extended coverage for high-cost valuables like jewelry, musical instruments, and cameras. For example, you can cover your violin with a $3k coverage limit in replacement cost value with no deductible. 

Liability Protection

Liability coverage is your and your landlord’s security blanket if a visitor gets injured inside your home. Even minor slips, spills, and trips could lead to hospital visits and cost thousands of dollars out-of-pocket. 

Say a friend from college comes to visit you and accidentally slips on the stairs. Instead of your friend suing you, your renters insurance’s liability protections can step in to help pay your friend’s medical expenses.

Goodcover’s flexible coverage allows you to adjust your personal liability protection to fit your needs. Most landlords require $100,000 in coverage, but if you need more, you can get it for just a few extra bucks per month, based on how high of a coverage limit you want.

Essentially, liability coverage offers peace of mind for both you and your landlord, just in case of an unforeseen accident.

Temporary Housing

Temporary housing, or loss of use coverage, is there when the seemingly unthinkable happens, and you must move out for a while. For example, if there is a fire that leaves your rental unlivable for a while while repairs are completed.

A hotel and other additional living expenses like an extra commute can quickly get expensive.

How loss of use coverage works. 

Temporary housing assistance can pay additional dislocation expenses if a covered event temporarily forces you from the property. While no one wants to be out of their home for weeks or months, knowing that temporary housing coverage protects your finances is great peace of mind.

What Does Renters Insurance Not Cover in PA? 

Renters insurance covers a lot of events, but every policy has exclusions. Several items won’t be covered by any renters insurance plan.

Intentional damage to your stuff isn’t covered and is considered fraud. Additionally, renters insurance won’t cover your vehicle. So, if your car gets stolen while you’re at a Pirates game at Pittsburgh's PNC Park, you’ll need a separate auto insurance policy to handle any damages or theft. Similarly, standard renters insurance excludes e-bike thefts.

Big natural disasters like flooding, earthquakes, and hurricanes also require separate specialty coverage through private insurance companies or the National Flood Insurance Program.

While not handled in most standard plans, clumsy accidents like spills damaging your watch can be covered with add-ons to your renters insurance. For example, Goodcover’s SUPERGOOD extended coverage option offers low-cost protection against life’s unexpected mishaps for jewelry, cameras, and musical instruments.

Top Pennsylvania Renters Resources for Tenants

Beyond getting insurance coverage, understanding one's rights as a Pennsylvania tenant also helps ensure a good rental experience.

While cities implement specific regulations locally, some universal protections exist to give Pennsylvania renters firm legal footing if conflicts happen. goo

We believe informed tenants are better prepared to self-advocate, so we’ve compiled this list of helpful resources for Pennsylvania renters.

Final Thoughts: Your Ultimate Guide to Renters Insurance in Pennsylvania

Getting renters coverage can feel intimidating in the middle of a busy move. But renters insurance prevents huge out-of-pocket costs if you need to replace stolen or damaged items after unexpected disasters strike. Putting off decisions today risks major financial headaches tomorrow. 

Standard renters insurance in PA contains three key protections: personal property, liability, and temporary housing coverage. 

Want to compare your existing coverage to Goodcover? Just email your current renters insurance policy to We'll analyze it to find the best Goodcover policy for you, plus help you cancel your old one.

Otherwise, get your personalized renters insurance quote from Goodcover today.

Note: This post is meant for informational purposes; insurance regulation and coverage specifics vary by location and person. Check your policy for exact coverage information.

For additional questions, 
reach out to us – we’re happy to help.

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How to Get Renters Insurance

Team Goodcover 26 Jun 20248 min read

How to Get Renters Insurance